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Kapható lesz az exkluzív Lovegrove fénycsatorna

A nemrég Red dot design díjat nyert Velux Lovegrove fénycsatorna hamarosan hazánkban is kapható lesz.
Pontos ára egyelőre nem ismert, nagyságrendileg 250-300 ezer forint között fog mozogni.

Funnelling natural light
The sun plays a key role in many creation myths, in which the sun is often personified and represented as a God-like figure. In Chinese legends, for instance, we find the story of the sun god Shen Yi. When the earth was scorched by the heat of ten suns, he shot down nine with a bow and arrow to save the world. In Greek-Roman mythology we have Apollo who is the god of light and possesses the gift of prophesy. A fascinating interpretation of what the sun can also signify is presented by the design of the Sun Tunnel. Designed according to the head note “If this is a lamp, the sun is the bulb”, this lamp takes sunlight and using an innovative approach turns it into a light source for indoor spaces. The working principle is simple and highly effective: a long tube-like tunnel brings natural daylight from the roof of a building to the ceiling of otherwise electrically lit rooms. The formal mediator for the light being directed from the outside comes in the shape of a fascinatingly organic-looking lamp body. This body functions as an additional diffuser that both enhances the natural light and spreads it in dynamic light reflections across the room. Just like almost any electric lamp, the natural light of this lamp can be directed and adjusted according to user’s needs. The Sun Tunnel embodies an impressive lighting concept that not only makes use of a natural resource, but also offers a new approach to the experience of sunlight; for its designer, Ross Lovegrove, it constitutes “…a contemporary interface between the tunnel of light and the interior design of living spaces.” With a design marked by lightness and imaginativeness, this interface also builds a bridge into the future – in a figurative sense, it funnels our thinking.


  Ezt a márkát mutasd:
A hónap vétele

Ereszcsatorna, bádogos elemek

Tetőfedő anyagok

Festékek, lakkok, ragasztók



Homlokzati rendszerek

Árnyékolók és redőnyök

Szerszámok - ács, bádogos, tetőfedő

Vízszigetelő anyagok

Tetőablak, nyílászáró

Hőszigetelő anyagok

Padlásfeljáró lépcsők

Kiegészítő termékek

Tetőbiztonsági Rendszerek

Fénycsatorna rendszerek, bevilágítók

Kémények és kiegészítői

Szolár rendszerek


Kivitelezést segítő munkaeszközök


Zöldtető rendszerek



Madár elleni védelem

Fotovoltaikus rendszerek

Munka- és leesésvédelem

Építési rendszerek
